Espresso Outfitters has always been supportive to the DIY crowed. We are now extending our range upon to supply plans, cut lists, components to include the range of the entirety of construction, making this easy for people to build their own espresso cart.
You will be building a 6 foot Base espresso cart, one of the best lines for people to start with that want to customize it themselves and it’s along the most simple of the espresso cart lines we manufacturer as well. We are happy to provide all of the materials including cut panels upon request as well. At $50.00, it’s a most affordable option to consider as well!

This guide covers the following:
- Detailed plans, cut lists, and general assembly information scaled to print size.
- Material selection choices and options.
- Hardware from the wheels, hinges, screws, nuts, bolts, etc.
- Complete plumbing system and installation of lines and fittings.
- 50 amp, single phase, 220v/120v, Complete electrical system creation.
- All of the appliances such as pump and water heater installations.

In addition you are given direction upon where to source everything and we offer additional support towards helping supply your needs upon to make things easier. For example, there are things such as T-molding where it doesn’t make sense to buy in volume, nor where to buy it at, stock that we normally use and buy in bulk is easy enough to supply shorter lengths of. Building these regularly, we can help who ever is physically creating and putting it together regardless of the source you go to, from self to someone that has better skills and used to using the tools necessary.

This makes sense after we show you the ropes.
Not being some cookie cutter system, we offer additional phone and email support for those that require it along the way during construction. We also will back you up when it’s time to submit your cart to the health department. This is an Espresso Outfitters guided and built cart rather then something that some well intentioned home builder is trying to figure out along the way. They like seeing this in place due to that and it’s also good for us to stay in the loop should any changes or revisions need to be addressed with future and current production. In addition it also takes the worry on their end knowing that a professional operation that specializes in these are behind it all, worry from yours since the guess work is more then addressed. The electrical system is not normally included with the base espresso cart lines, but we felt it necessary to include for those using the typical 2 group espresso machines.

You will be given a password protected space on our server, this is your personal cloud of sorts to access the original cart plans and guides. Additionally it will be a spot that personal support is extended to graphically uploaded to, text, video or otherwise as needed.
We are wanting this done right, so do you, and this is that getting to your level where it counts upon support.
It’s good to see what it takes to make your own, and done correctly through this guide and support there-in, it also helps to make most tactful, weather to build your own, or buy one of our lines instead decisions upon.
Select the Pay Now button to get started through our secure check out. We will set up your folder for the files to review and download within 24 hours of purchase. In addition, customers receive a $100.00 credit towards espresso machine or espresso cart purchases after they have purchased the guide, not a bad return from a $50.00 investment element too.